• umlead@um.edu.my
Welcome To


Purposeful & Principled Leadership Programme




Centre for Leadership and Professional Development

The Centre for Leadership and Professional Development at Universiti Malaya supports the development of human capital and organizational performance through a collaborative platform for individuals and organizations. We offer an innovative environment for private, public and civil society sectors to work on their human capital challenges by drawing from the latest thought leadership and analytical tools. Our approach uses the Malaysian cultural and historical heritage as a competitive advantage with understanding of its legal environment and business culture. We prepare our participants to be better leaders. Together with the focus on values, UM LEAD offers a rare learning experience to our participants and partners.

UM LEAD fosters a culture of collaboration in an innovative environment serving the public, private and civil society sector leaders, providing a Malaysian perspective on leadership by drawing from its unique history and culture. Together with various disciplines and focus on values, UM LEAD offers a rare learning experience.

The UM LEAD Perspective

“We are all Malaysians. This is the bond that unites us. Let us always remember that unity is our fundamental strength as a people and as a nation” Tunku Abdul Rahman

Cultural diversity is always seen as a barrier, a hindrance for organisational development; Diversity as something that needs to be managed before it becomes a source of conflict. UMLead’s programme views diversity as a source for competitive advantage that can be harnessed by leadership through a consultative process. This process can be adopted by organisations at any point in their lifecycle that would be invaluable to achieve shared goals and interests.

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